Frequently Asked Questions
Can I cancel my order?
Within 48 hours of order confirmation, you can cancel it.
Can I get wholesale prices?
We have special wholesale price plans starting from 2000 boxes and special discounts for graphic designers & resellers.
Can I order custom blank boxes?
Of course. You are free to order boxes in required shape, style, size, and inserts even without printing.
Can you split & ship my order on different addresses?
Certainly. With our split shipping facility, you can get your order delivered at different address within the same committed timeframe.
Do you ship outside USA?
Yes, our box manufacturing facilities in different parts of world enable us to ship worldwide without unnecessary delays or additional shipping costs.
How should I process the order?
You can process your order in four easy steps.
Submit your quote request
Upload your artwork or email us
Approval of digital proof
Once the payment is confirmed, your order will be transferred to production.
In what form do you ship boxes?
All Boxes are shipped flat and pre-assembled.
What file type do you require for printing?
You can send your artwork file in .psd, .pdf, .ai, format with min of 300dpi.